Compliance with business ethics rules
Compliance with ethical rules of conduct is, along with customer focus, resource development and innovation, one of the core values of the Legrand Group and, by definition, of Legrand Care as a member of the Group. These four values form the core of the Group's identity and are the basis for sustainable and profitable development.
Based on this identity, we are committed to preventing corruption and fraud and to complying with competition rules.
In addition, the Group is well positioned to avoid conflicts of interest and to combat embargoes, money laundering and terrorist financing. On the one hand by raising awareness and training teams, and on the other by closely monitoring compliance with business ethics.
Making a commitment together
Management's firm commitment to business ethics is underscored by signing the Global Compact and adhering to its main universal principles and international reference texts.
In particular, these include the following covenants:
- The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and complementary covenants.
- The OECD Convention and Guidelines on Corruption of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
- The United Nations Convention on Corruption, all national anti-corruption laws, the European Competition Directives and all national competition laws
The entire Group actively participates in this business ethics initiative. The General Management declares its support for all charters setting out the Group's business ethics principles. All functional managers and heads of subsidiaries sign letters pledging to properly implement the compliance program. And every employee commits to ethical behavior.
Ethics alert system
The Legrand Group has established a mechanism that allows any person, belonging or not to the Group, to report any unethical or illegal behavior with respect to the general interest, people, or the company, which contravenes any of the four fundamental values of the Group, any of the commitments acquired in matters of corruption, fraud or competition, and as well as if it is related to the environment, safety at work or employment discrimination.
This alert can be communicated by completing the form available at the following link:
As established in the Code of Fundamental Principles, The Legrand Group guarantees that the communication of an alert by any of the above means will be treated with the strictest confidentiality and rigor.